Considerations Regarding Permanent Hair Removal

Hair removal from various body parts has become a trend these days. The main reason behind this hair removal is achieving the elegant outer appearance and avoiding the hassles of getting the hair waxed after regular intervals. 

However, many important considerations must be kept in mind while choosing the services of permanent laser hair removal in Surrey. Let’s discuss the same in detail. 

1. Whom To Choose

Laser hair removal procedure is clinically proven to eliminate all the body unwanted hair and is considered among one of the cosmetic procedures. But getting the quality and reliable services is the priority so ensure you hire the experienced and skilled service provider of hair removal in Surrey on who you can rely. 

Find the skilled technicians who are well-educated to provide the safest and reliable hair removal services. Also, look for physicians who use the best technologies to keep up the efficacy and safety. 

2. How To Prepare For Procedure

The laser hair removal process begins with determining the needs and choosing the right hair removal process. However, the tanning is the most crucial factor to be considered of all when it comes to getting the laser hair removal done. 

Laser hair removal helps in targeting active hair growth making the treatment more effective. This further reduces the need for waxing and the number of treatments as well. 

3. What To Expect From Permanent Hair Removal

The physician executes the laser hair removal with the help of qualifications and years of experience in hands. Also, they possess the right tools and technology to safely execute the procedure and give you the desired outputs. So, whenever you need the services of permanent hair removal then ensure you look for the accreditation, qualifications, and type of tools used by the physician. 

Permanent hair removal in Surrey has become very popular because of the various advantages offered by it. But considering the shared above facts are very crucial for experiencing the most out of your huge investment. So, count on all these things before you make any decision for your well-being. Hope you find this information helpful. All the Best!

Body Bar Laser Clinic Surrey

3237 King George Blvd Unit #123, Surrey, BC V4P 1B7, Canada

(778) 291-2639

What things you should consider after laser hair removal treatment

If you are contemplating laser hair removal, it pays to study. I know it’s easy to be seduced by the promise of a thug-free life, but it’s oh-so-important to read first on the facts (and side effects) to make sure the treatment is right for you. There are lots of different options when it comes to hair removal, from waxing to threading and shaving to tweaking, but laser hair removal with Cool sculpting is one of the little choices that offer a more stable path to getting rid of body hair. .Here is a list of things you should consider after laser hair removal treatment:

1.  Avoid sunlight. Just as you saved your skin from tanning six weeks before your laser hair treatment, similarly you should avoid sunlight for six weeks. Not only will your skin be delicate, but it can also hinder the removal method and follow-up procedures by Cool sculpting.

2. Expect your hair to grow. Shortly after your surgery, the targeted hair will start to come out of the hair follicle, causing it to become again. But in  10 to 14 days, your hair will reach the shedding stage and start falling out, at which time you can tenderly remove it from the washcloth in the shower or bath.

3. Do not pluck or wax. During the shedding stage, your hair has to fall naturally, so do not pluck, twist, or wax in the target area. If there is any resistance from the nose, it means that the root is still alive, and the hair will have to be re-targeted in follow-up treatment. Try  Coolsculpting Surrey. You can shave after removing your laser hair, but avoid anything that draws hair from the roots.

4. Go for multiple treatments. Laser hair removal only targets hair at the stage of active growth, so many patients require anywhere between four to 10 sessions to achieve the desired results, with treatments typically taking place each one to two months. After each treatment with  Coolsculpting Surrey, you should notice less and less hair in the target area. The hair that keeps growing should be beautiful and light-coloured.

5. Avoid exercise and hot showers

Both yoga and hot showers raise your body temperature, making your body sweat and creating a potential breeding ground for bacteria. This can lead to infection or ingrown hairs, so we recommend waiting at least 24 hours after laser hair removal treatment with  Coolsculpting Surrey. before doing any activity that can raise your body temperature and hair.

Now you have a basic understanding of how the laser works, and what to do after treatment.

The Best Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal Treatment 

Thinking of getting laser hair removal treatment these summers? You would have to probably gather the pros of why hair removal through laser is the ideal choice and you should opt for it. 

Don’t know what benefits you can experience by picking laser hair removal options over razors and other traditional methods? 

Well, here below are shared some of the benefits that might be convincing enough for why you should not choose the at-home hair removal options. Let’s get started then. 

1. Effective & Safe Treatment

Laser treatments are always precise and effective. When it comes to hair removal then also the energies of a laser go deep into the targeted hair follicles leading to effective removal of hair. Lasers have been experimented for the last many years and are proven to provide peace of mind along with safety procedures. What all laser treatments require is to follow the instructions and care advised by the doctors. 

2. Avoids Ingrown Hair

Say goodbye to small or ingrown hair with laser. Lasers are meant for dealing with all such hassles. Further, if your skin is facing razor cuts or burns then also the solution to these issues can be the laser.

3. Increases Confidence

Getting groomed properly always adds confidence in an individual about the way they appear and present themselves. Laser hair removal is capable of removing the hairs from targeted areas the way that it adds confidence to your personality and make you look more fresh, clean, and appealing.  

4. Effective & Expected Results

No specialist or expert can tell what exactly can be expected from laser hair removal treatment. Even when it comes to coolsculpting then also it is not sure how much fat will be reduced. However, unlike other treatments, laser hair removal procedure works better on the shaved areas and provides effective results as well for a long time. 

These are some of the benefits that can be availed from getting the hair removed through laser technique. However, the Coolsculpting in Surrey is also trending to reduce body fat. So, whatever are your needs, pick the right specialist who can help you achieve satisfactory results. All the Best!

Coolsculpting And Laser Hair Removal – A Brief Overview

For the sake of the reader’s convenience, this article has been divided into two small sections. One explains what coolsculpting in Surrey is all about and the other explains how laser hair removal is going to help you get the body of your dreams.

What Is Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is actually a brand of cryolipolysis. It is an FDA approved method of fat reduction. The physician is going to use freezing temperatures to break down the fat cells present in the most problematic areas of your body. According to experts, cold temperature does not damage other cells present in your body as it damages fat cells. There is absolutely no damage to your skin or the underlying tissue. Coolsculpting procedures typically take around an hour or so depending upon the area of your body that needs to be targeted. There is also no recovery time because there is no damage to your skin. Some people who have gotten this procedure done have reported a bit of soreness in the areas targeted which is similar to the symptoms that you have after you have performed a rigorous workout.

Before you go for Coolsculpting you need to understand that it is not going to you give you the body of your dreams just magically or overnight. The results of this procedure may vary for each individual. You will also have to follow a proper exercise regime and go on a healthy diet for the best results. After the treatment the fat cells will take at least 4 to 6 months to completely leave the body.

Laser Hair Removal – Should You Go For It?

A lot of people are going for laser hair removal in Surrey and this is because it is the most reliable long term hair reduction procedure available at the moment. The physician is going to use an intense pulse light that is going to generate enough heat energy to completely destroy the root and the follicle of the hair. The technology is such that it targets the melanin or the coloring pigment in your hair follicles. So if you have fair skin and dark and thick hair, you are an ideal candidate for this procedure. African/ African American people or individuals with darker skin tones may not be suitable for this treatment. Laser hair removal can effectively remove unwanted hair from your back, shoulders, arms, legs, face and neck and practically any body part that you wish to make smoother and hair free.

But There Is A Catch!

This is not a single sitting procedure. You will have to come in for several sessions before you are able to see any permanent results. At least 6 to 12 sessions of laser hair removal will be required depending upon the area to be treated and the thickness and coarseness of your hair. The end result is going to be super fine and very thin hair that is almost invisible. That’s right. It is not going to completely eliminate hair but make it so fine that your skin is going to appear to be completely hair free. So this was a little overview of Coolsculpting and laser hair removal for your benefit.

How Well Do You Understand Laser Hair Removal?

There are a few modern day treatments such as coolsculpting and laser hair removal in Surrey. People seem to be talking about them at length yet most of them do not have any idea how they can benefit from them. Do you even qualify for a laser hair removal treatment? If you have unwanted hair on your back or shoulders or you just want complete freedom from shaving or waxing or trimming your hair, you may be eligible for this treatment. Coolsculpting and laser hair removal are very popular these days because of their effectiveness and long lasting results.

Do You Know How Laser Treatment Works?

There are different kinds of lasers available in the market at the moment and all have various applications. Some of them are removal, skin rejuvenation, pigment removal, skin resurfacing, black spot reduction, dermabrasion, tattoo removal and many more.

But the most popular and sought after treatment is laser hair removal due to the fact that it is arguably the most permanent solution to unwanted body hair. The laser is directly absorbed by the pigment present in the hair follicles and this process creates enough heat that eventually causes the hair shaft and root to burn up. This is to say that this heat destroys the hair growth centre in the follicle. After this process it becomes very difficult for our body to create new hair. And when the natural hair growth cycle finally resumes, the resultant hair growth is finer and thinner than before.

The laser used here is constructed in a way that it automatically detects dark pigments in our skin and attacks them killing the hair root and follicle.

Does Laser Hair Removal Work For Everyone?

This puts this technology in a very crucial spot because a lot of specialists and dermatologists would agree that laser hair removal is more effective for people with fair for white skin. Someone with coarse or black or thick hair will be an ideal candidate for this kind of hair removal. People with darker skin tones or of African American heritage are not suitable for this kind of treatment because the laser directly targets the melanin present in the skin. This renders the technology incapable of identifying the hair follicles from their skin.

Even people who have red, blonde, white, grey, strawberry blonde or honey blonde hair color will find it difficult to see any results from laser hair removal. This is because their hair strands are not able to absorb enough light pulses and the heat generated is not enough to destroy the hair from its root.

How Many Sessions Should You Be Taking Of This Treatment?

The number of sessions you will be taking will be decided by the thickness and coarseness of your body hair. Fine hair is not able to absorb as much light and heat as thick and dense hair can. This is why someone with heavy and thick hair growth will be an ideal candidate for this and they should be able to see permanent results with 6 to 8 sessions placed at a gap of 3 to 4 weeks.

Preparing For Your First Laser Hair Removal Treatment In Surrey

How are you going to prepare for your very first laser hair removal treatment in Surrey? You know that you have been struggling with excess body hair in the most unsightly of places your whole life but is this really going to be the permanent solution you have sought for so many years?

Actually yes, this might be the solution you have always been looking for because it is nearly permanent hair reduction. It is a methodology that is backed by a lot of evidence that supports the claim of the leading dermatologists in the city. Now let us have a look at what you should do to efficiently prepare for this treatment:

·       Staying Out Of The Sun

This is the very first advice that your doctor or your laser hair removal expert in Surrey is going to give you and you need to follow it completely and religiously. You do not want any tanning or any kind of sun exposure that would lead to skin darkening especially in the areas where you need to get your hair removed. You will be advised to stay away from the sun for at least 6 weeks leading up to the treatment.

·       Skin Darkening With Hair Removal Creams

Now you must have already read about it in magazines and online blog posts that laser hair removal works wonders on lighter skin but do not make the mistake of using skin lightening creams on any of the areas where you want to get your hair removed. You must also be aware of the many ways that hair removal creams darken your skin so it is always better not to even think about using them. Your dermatologist on the other hand might prescribe you a skin bleaching cream if you have complaints regarding darker or tanned skin.

·       Avoid Other Hair Removal Products

You are not even supposed to use any other hair removal products or methods on your skin especially waxing or plucking because these may intervene with the electrolysis and the laser will not be able to detect any hair follicle or root when you actually go in for the treatment.

·       Only Shaving Before The Treatment

Yes, your hair removal expert in Surrey will advise you to trim or shave the area where you want your hair removed. This is done to avoid any surface skin damage from burnt hair follicles as the laser is going to attack the melanin present in your hair and the heat from it will burn them down along with their roots. So, it is always advised that you trim or shorten or shave your hair before going in for the treatment. This is how you prepare for your very first laser hair removal treatment.

Laser Hair Removal: Permanent Or Temporary Fix?

Do you think that laser hair removal is a permanent or temporary fix? A lot of people in Surrey think that they will no longer need to do any follow-up treatment once they get a laser hair removal done. Treatments like coolsculpting and permanent laser hair removal are getting more and more popular due to their wider availability and affordability. But the biggest question right now is that is laser hair removal really permanent.

A lot like coolsculpting, laser hair removal to would require some precautions and maintenance. Just like when you get your fat cells removed from your body, you are advised to take care of your diet and maintain an exercise regime, once you get a laser hair treatment done, your dermatologist would recommend getting regular maintenance sessions once or twice a year.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

People in Surrey find themselves asking their dermatologist this very question and the answer to it is very simple. The laser therapy used here utilizes high intensity laser beams to target the hair follicles and roots located just below the skin. These roots are responsible for producing new strands or follicles of hair but when they are destroyed or disabled, our hair growth recedes dramatically. As a result you will see your hair shafts falling from their roots and what you get is a smoother and hair free skin.

The basic principle of laser hair removal is that the melanin present in our hair is targeted and permanently removed. When you compare this method with shaving, trimming or waxing or even tweezing, it is much less painful and faster.

The areas that you can target with this laser are:

·       Chest

·       Back

·       Neck

·       Shoulders

·       Bikini line

·       Face

·       Arms

·       Legs

Now Let’s Come To Whether This Treatment Is Actually Permanent Or Not

If you consider 6 to 8 months of complete freedom from any kind of hair removal a permanent solution then yes it is permanent. Getting a laser hair removal treatment done means you don’t have to worry about unpleasant looking hair popping up here and there and no more sweating over shaving or waxing. The final result is a very fine and almost invisible hair that grows from the very area of your body that was targeted by the laser. You will see that your skin remains smooth and the hair that grows back is so fine and thin that it is almost unnoticeable. However, an annual or six monthly session will make sure that your growth becomes even thinner and finer over a period of time.
laser hair removal treatmentIf you consider 6 to 8 months of complete freedom from any kind of hair removal a permanent solution then yes it is permanent. Getting a laser hair removal treatment done means you don’t have to worry about unpleasant looking hair popping up here and there and no more sweating over shaving or waxing. The final result is a very fine and almost invisible hair that grows from the very area of your body that was targeted by the laser. You will see that your skin remains smooth and the hair that grows back is so fine and thin that it is almost unnoticeable. However, an annual or six monthly session will make sure that your growth becomes even thinner and finer over a period of time.

Important Things To Know About Tattoo Removal

For those who have gotten a tattoo on their arm or on their leg or neck or any other body part, it is a life changing experience. Body art makes you look unique. You can easily stand out of the crowd but what if when you do not want that anymore? 

Yes, this is why some people or especially the ones you regret getting a tattoo in the wrong place for getting a wrong design done on their visible body parts prefer to go for a reputable tattoo removal surgery in Surrey. If you are not aware already, the laser that is used for hair removal surgery is the one that is used here as well. But this is not all. There are a number of facts that most of us are not aware about tattoo removal in Surrey. Let’s have a look at what they are

It Takes Time

Just like you have to sit for hours for the tattoo to take shape on your skin, you will have to wait for a considerable amount of time to remove it as well. The time taken to remove the tattoo will largely depend on the area of your skin covered, the colors, the design and the intricacy of the tattoo that was created on your skin. 

You Will Need Multiple Sessions

The entire process of tattoo removal is not going to get completed in a single session but at least 8 to 12 of them. Yes, you will have to continue to keep on seeing your therapist or tattoo removal surgeon if you want sustainable and aesthetic results.

Could Be Up A Tad Bit Expensive

Yes, this is one of the very few drawbacks of tattoo removal surgery. It could be a tad bit expensive and of course a little costlier than the original tattoo creation process. Since the laser used is going to remove the dark pigmentation present in your skin, the procedure becomes quite complicated as compared to what was done to impart that color to your skin in the first place.

The Artist And His Love For His Art

Just like creating a tattoo is an art, tattoo removal is an art as well. You will have to look for the right skills and adequate and appropriate qualifications in the tattoo removal clinic that you are looking for in Surrey. It is not a 9 to 5 job where one can just install a machine and go about tattoo removal. It requires special training, a steady hand and a lot of patience accompanied by good attention to detail and very strong artistic skills.

The Various Pros And Cons Of Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Let’s not ignore the much talked about topic here. Hair removal is what everyone wants to get done in some way or the other and on some or all parts of their body. You too must have some problem areas that you want your Laser Hair Removal Treatment expert in Surrey to look at. The way we are moving ahead in terms of technology, similar beauty treatments like these and the very popular Coolsculpting will soon become a normal part of our lives. But like every other cosmetic procedure, these too are loaded with their blessings and curses. Yes, we are talking about the various pros and cons of laser hair removal.

So, What Are The Pros?

·   Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment expert in Surrey will tell you flat that it doesn’t get rid of unwanted hair permanently and this is the truth. But the good news is that it does reduce the thickness and density of hair drastically and that leads to a very much finer and subtle growth in place of hard and black stubble that you’ve always been struggling with. And with several sittings, the hair growth almost vanishes.

·   Another major advantage of this procedure and also Coolsculpting is that you can get it done almost anywhere on your body. The machine is designed to cover large areas of the skin really fast. You can easily target your arms and legs, back and bikini line and even your stomach.

·   You don’t have to bear much pain either. If you have already gotten waxing done on any part of your body, this is going to feel like a tickle. The laser used is specifically manufactured to target the darker melanin in your hair. This is what destroys the hair from its very root and leaves your skin hairless. Your physician will use ice to help numb the targeted area of your body before and after the laser treatment. As you progress to further treatments, the laser intensity can be lowered and the hair growth will become finer and less visible.

What Are The Cons?

·   It’s a long process. Yes, it is more time consuming than you think but the results are long lasting as well. Larger areas of the body will take more time.

·   It’s expensive and this is something that prevents a lot of men and women from opting for it in the first place.

·   People with lighter hair color on their body or with a darker skin tone may have trouble getting this treatment done. This is because the machine targets the melanin in the hair and if there is no way to tell the difference between hair and skin, the treatment might fail.

 So, this is about it. No harm in trying it, right?

Dos And Don’ts To Follow With Botox Injection

As Dr. Notaro rightly said, “ Botox is not the science of medicine, it is the art of medicine.” Botox is non-surgical cosmetic procedure used for both men and women to decrease or eliminate facial lines and wrinkles. It can treat the following skin-related problems to name a few like frown lines between the eyebrows, crows feet, wrinkles, anti-aging, sweating, etc. It is also the best treatment for acne and pimples, also the scars that are left on the facial skin can be easily removed with the help of Botox Injection in Surrey. However, there are some do’s and don’ts that are required to  be followed with Botox injections:
Do schedule a follow up appointment with your General Practitioner (GP) for the consecutive two weeks following the treatment. Your GP can see the results and guide you more whether you require more Botox injections in other places.  
Do see the GP that has years of experience Botox Injection
in injecting the Botox who can strategically inject Botox.
Do opt for an alternative procedure like Xeomin if you have a reaction to Botox or are sensitive to other types of fillers.
Do not get too hot for at least 4 days, for instance, do not get into any type of physical exercise or massage within this time period, so to make the Botox properly working.
Do not wear tight caps or wrap clothing around the injected areas. The Botox needs to reach particular areas in an effective way. Botox relaxes the muscle area temporarily, softens the wrinkles area and modify the facial expression. Any type of restriction on the injected areas can cause any sort of discrepancy upon the area.
Do not apply pressure when cleaning your face after the Botox injection for a few days. This will help the botox to reach the areas where it is needed to be effective.
Do not apply any makeup or sunscreen, any sort of chemical of the face after the treatment for at least 8 hours. This can cause a chemical reaction with the skin that can give blunder results.
So if you are also looking for Coolsculpting in Surrey along with the Botox service to look fabulous in your favorite dress and have all new and fresh looks, make sure you never forget to consider all the do’s and don’ts. Thank You!